In celebration of the University of Utah’s birthday in 1850, you have 1850 minutes (March 1-2, 2022) to give to the Science Research Initiative (SRI) for undergraduates. Our goal is participation, not amount. Even a $1 gift make it possible for us to have 100% participation from everyone in the SBS community and beyond.
Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the College of Science.
The School of Biological Sciences and College of Science launched the Science Research Initiative (SRI) in 2020. We designed the program so freshmen and transfer students can participate in faculty-driven research early in their academic careers. The program is a tremendous opportunity for students to develop high-demand skills, and demand is skyrocketing. Unfortunately, financial concerns keep some students from enrolling in the program. Our goal is to remove this barrier to SRI participation by supporting every student who needs a scholarship.
We invite you to help biology students be part of the SRI. We want all students to be able to take advantage of the program this year and in the future. Please consider making a gift today. The College of Science will match all donations up to $50,000.