We invite you to help biology students be part of the Science Research Initiative.
We want all students to be able to take advantage of the program this year and in the future. Please consider making a gift today. The College of Science will match all donations up to $50,000.
The School of Biological Sciences and College of Science launched the Science Research Initiative (SRI) in 2020. We designed the program so freshmen and transfer students can participate in faculty-driven research early in their academic careers. The program is a tremendous opportunity for students to develop high-demand skills, and demand is skyrocketing. Unfortunately, financial concerns keep some students from enrolling in the program. Our goal is to remove this barrier to SRI participation by supporting every student who needs a scholarship.
We invite you to help biology students be part of the SRI. We want all students to be able to take advantage of the program this year and in the future. Please

consider making a gift today. The College of Science will match all donations up to $50,000.
Students can apply to the Science Research Initiative here. A bumper crop of 15 research streams will be available to students beginning in Spring Semester 2022, and we want as many students who want this experience to have the opportunity, even if they need financial help to make it happen. You can be that person that propels an undergraduate into a research stream with a star faculty advisor.
Whether it’s studying under-explored molecular architectures with chemist Dr. Ryan Stolley or spintronics wtih physicist Dr. Christoph Boehme you’ll find. your chance in SRI.
Is biology your jones?
Employ a molecular approach called DNA metabarcoding to assay foraging behavior in pollinators with Biologist Josh Steffen, who also directs SRI. He’s your man.
Or study the evolution of neural circuits with biologists Drs. Sophie Caron and Chelsea Gosney as your dream team.
Interested in crunching biological data? Hook up with quantitative biologist Fred Adler.
Were you a beneficiary of a scholarship when you were an undergraduate?
You can “pay it forward” by helping to fund students who want to experience hands-on learning in the School of Biological Sciences and other science disciplines. Remember: your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the University of Utah’s College of Science up to $50,000.
Consider a gift today!