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June 13, 2024 Above: Mary Fairbanks BS’23, biology A DNA repair system known as the GO DNA repair system removes oxidized guanine. This helps protect the system from mutating, and while scientists understand how it works, the origin of this mechanism isn’t well understood. That’s where the Horvath Lab comes in and, in particular, Mary Fairbanks BS’23. She and […]

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SBS Student Commencement Speaker

For the 2024 University of Utah student commencement speaker Eron Powell, a love of learning is one of the most important things he is taking away from his time at the U. “Outside of college and into the future, I hope to always be able to educate myself,” Powell said. “We are never complete people. […]

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Biology Student Stories – Noah Amrstrong

Jokingly, but with at least an ounce of truth, Noah shares: “I am likely one of the world’s leading experts on fox squirrel genomics.”   When it comes to research at the University of Utah, there are so many fascinating and niche topics being studied in the various labs. Noah found an opportunity to explore […]

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Biology Student Stories: Michelle Tin

“While it is so exciting to enrich my life with different experiences and opportunities, it is equally as important to find balance and make time for myself,” says Michelle Tin, a senior graduating with a Bachelor of Science in biology and a double minor in chemistry and Pediatric Clinical Research. Graduating senior Michelle Tin developed […]

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Biology Student Stories: Hailee Fell

“I love learning and I think the world is such an interesting place. Besides [that], I have little tidbits about lots of different things involving science that I wouldn’t have known without studying bio.” Originally from Idaho, Hailee Fell is one of the many talented graduating biology students hailing from all over the nation and […]

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Biology Student Stories: Clara Lindley

At the U, “​​I love how there are so many opportunities for students to get involved and apply what they are learning to a real-life scenario.” Clara Lindley took the “road less traveled” and after graduating from high school in Santa Cruz, California she spent a year working in a German hospital as a nursing […]

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Biology Student Stories: Bailey Landis

From playing the clarinet and majoring in music to finding inspiration in deciphering the As, Ts, Gs, and Cs relevant to fruit fly evolution and genetics, Bailey Landis has many interests but has dedicated his educational pursuits to biology. The “major” shift happened when Bailey took Genetics from Dr. Nitin Phadnis. That was the moment […]

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Biology Student Stories: Kaden Wall

 “I think I can make the biggest impact on medicine through research and through teaching students who will go on to become doctors. I want to be able to share my philosophy of how everyone should be treated and how much diversity should be valued. I see that as my way to impact medicine.” In […]

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